Kim Wallace Kim Wallace

What We Say To Ourselves Matters

When we are not feeling motivated, what we say to ourselves at that point matters, both in what actions we ultimately take and how we feel afterwards.

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Kim Wallace Kim Wallace

Imposter Syndrome

I, like many, experience “imposter syndrome”.

Perhaps you’ve heard the term, maybe even used it. Imposter syndrome is when you doubt your skills and talents and have a fear of being exposed as a fraud when you are ultimately “found out”. This includes those of us with clear accomplishments that “prove” our competence – but instead of seeing those things as accomplishments, we may see it as “fooling” those around us or simply as luck that’s due to run out.

Those with imposter syndrome are both running away from and running towards something at the same time.

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Kim Wallace Kim Wallace

How Do You Measure Success?

How do you measure success? For me, success has always been about effort.

And effort? Effort is about working hard.

And “hard”? Hard means long hours, stress, survival.

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Kim Wallace Kim Wallace

Living In The Moment

How much of my life do I live in the moment? How often am I fully immersed in what I am doing, without thinking or planning the next thing?

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